Staycation, Farewell, and Mangalorean Food!

The last few days in Bangalore were… well.. interesting. With no furniture and most of our clothes already in transit and parents coming to see us off…we decided to shift to a nearby club that dad was an affiliate member. It was a nice change… and gave us some time to gather our thoughts. My … Continue reading Staycation, Farewell, and Mangalorean Food!

On Nostalgia, Packing, and Bangalore’s Food

These last few days will be spent visiting our favourite food places. Bangalore has an amazing foodie culture. No matter where you are, you will find your craving within your budget. The lazy Sunday mornings of hot filter coffee with hot Idli Vada and Poori that fill up your stomach without causing even a scratch on your wallet are coming to an end. Continue reading On Nostalgia, Packing, and Bangalore’s Food